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Langue de départ
Anglais Save preferences
Save preferences
"save preferences" refers to custom choices that you want to save in database to recover them each time you log in.

Traductions terminées
Italien Salvare le impostazioni personali
Arabe حفظ - التفضيلات
Portuguais brésilien Salvar-preferências
Portugais Salvar-preferências
Turc Tercihleri kaydet
Afrikaans Stoor-aanwysings
Néerlandais Voorkeuren bewaren
Espagnol Guardar-preferencias
Catalan Guardar-preferències
Russe Сохранить настройки
Japonais 設定を保存する
Chinois traditionnel 儲存偏好設定
Allemand Einstellungen speichern
Hébreu שמור-העדפות
Bulgare Запази предпочитания
Grec Αποθήκευση προτιμήσεων
Roumain salveaza preferintele
Esperanto Savu agordojn
Hindi पसंद को सुरक्षित करें
Serbe Memorisati - prednosti
Chinois simplifié 保存特选
Albanais ruaj preferencat
Lituanien IÅ¡saugoti nustatymus
Polonais Zapisz-ustawienia
Danois Gem-præferencer
Tchèque Uložit nastavení
Finnois Tallenna-asetukset
Croate Sačuvajte-postavke
Suédois Spara referenser
Hongrois Menteni – a beállitásokat
Norvégien Lagre-instillinger
Estonien Salvesta eelistused
Slovaque Uložiť preferencie
Coréen 저장-선호도
Farsi-Persan ذخیره ترجیحات
Islandais Vista stillingunum
Slovène Shraniti nastavitve
Thaï จดจำการตัดสินใจ
Langue de départ
Anglais Don't-translate-word-for-word
Don't translate word-for-word

Traductions terminées
Turc kelimesi-kelimesine-çeviri-yapmayın
Allemand Übersetzen Sie nicht Wort für Wort
Grec Μη μεταφράζετε κατά λέξη
Esperanto Ne traduku laÅ­vorte
Catalan No-traduir-literalment
Japonais Don't-translate-word-for-word
Espagnol No-palabra_por_palabra
Russe дословный перевод
Français Pas-traduire-mot
Lituanien Neverskite žodis į žodį
Arabe لا-تترجم-كلمة-بـ-كلمة
Portugais Não-palavra-por-palavra
Bulgare Не-превеждайте-дума-по-дума
Roumain Nu-traduceţi-cuvînt
Hébreu אל תתרגם מילה במילה
Italien Non traducete parola per parola
Albanais Mos përkthe fjalë për fjalë
Polonais NIe tłumacz słowo po słowie
Suédois Inga ordagranna översättningar
Tchèque Ne-pÅ™ekládat-slovo-od-slova
Finnois Älä-käännä-sanasta-sanaan
Chinois simplifié 不要-翻译-逐字
Chinois traditionnel 不-翻譯-逐字
Anglais Don't-translate-word-for-word
Hindi कृपया शब्दशः अनुवाद न करें
Serbe Ne-prevoditi-rec-po-rec
Danois Oversæt ikke ord for ord
Hongrois ne forditson szorol szora.
Croate Ne prevodi od slova do slova
Norvégien Oversett ikke ord for ord
Coréen 마세요-번역-단어-대-단어
Farsi-Persan نه-ترجمه کردن-کلمه به کلمه
Kurde Peyv-bi-peyv-werger
Slovaque Neprekladajte slovo po slove.
Afrikaans Moenie-vertaal-woord-vir-woord
Irlandais Ná dein aistriúchán focal ar fhocail
Langue de départ
Anglais Select-language-message
Select the language of your message
Talking to the websurfer

Traductions terminées
Turc Mesaj-dili-seç
Allemand Wählen Sie die Sprache Ihrer Nachricht
Catalan Selecciona-idioma-missatge
Esperanto Selektu la lingvon de via mesaĝo
Japonais Select-language-message
Espagnol Selecciona-idioma-mensaje
Russe Выберите-язык-сообщения
Français Choisissez-langue-message
Lituanien Pasirinkite kalbÄ…
Chinois simplifié 选择-语言-消息
Bulgare избери - език - съобщение
Roumain Alege-limbă-mesaj
Arabe إختر-لغة-رسالة
Portugais selecione-idioma-mensagem
Hébreu בחר את שפת הודעתך
Italien Seleziona la lingua del tuo messaggio
Albanais Zgjidhni gjuhën e mesazhit tuaj
Polonais Język wiadomości
Suédois Välj vilket sprÃ¥k ditt meddelande är skrivet pÃ¥
Tchèque Zvolit-jazyk-zpráva
Finnois Valitse-kieli-viesti
Chinois traditionnel 選擇-語言-帖子
Grec Επιλέγω-γλώσσα-μήνυμα
Hindi अपने संदेश की भाषा चुनें
Serbe Izaberite - jezik - poruka
Danois Vælg-sprog-meddelelse
Hongrois Vàlassza ki a nyelvet az üzenetéhez
Croate Odabrati-jezik-poruka
Norvégien Velg-sprÃ¥k-melding
Coréen 선택하기-언어-메세지
Farsi-Persan انتخاب-زبان-پیام
Kurde zimanê-peyamê-hilbijêr
Slovaque Výber- jazyk správy
Afrikaans Kies-taal-boodskap
Irlandais Romhnaigh teanga do theachtaireacht
Langue de départ
Anglais New Green Energy Saving Adapter to be Released
A plug adapter that stops energy being wasted by electrical devices left on standby is to go on sale priced £9.99.

Known as the SMJ Energy Saving Plug Adapter, the gadget stops energy being wasted when televisions and other electrical goods are left on standby instead of being turned off.

Laura Yates, climate and energy campaigner at Greenpeace gave mixed response: "Standby's got to go, but in the meantime it's great news that these energy saving plug adapters are now available."

Negotiations are also under way to launch a similar device known as the 'Standby Saver' which featured on the BBC's television show 'Dragons' Den' - click here to see the show.
this aritcle is for newspaper

Traductions terminées
Turc Yeni Yeşil Enerji Koruyucu Adaptör Piyasaya Sürüldü
Projet - Turkish Christian News Paper Langue de départ
Anglais Christians Ready Hurricane Response
As the massive category five storm Hurricane Dean continues to pound its way towards the Gulf of Mexico, Christian organisations are assembling their relief operations in preparation for large-scale devastation.

World Vision in the US said that its Mexico office had pre-positioned relief supplies in Yucatan in anticipation of huge needs for blankets, bed sheets, personal hygiene articles and medicines.

"This is a potentially historical storm," said Aldo Pontecorvo, director of humanitarian emergency assistance for World Vision in Mexico. "The Mexican coastline has never been hit by a Category 5 storm. We're preparing for extensive damage and widespread displacement."

Christian Aid staff and partner organisations are also stepping up relief efforts, including clearing trees and other debris blocking roads in Jamaica. The development agency will also be providing relief to people in Haiti whose crops have been destroyed.

Rhian Holder, Christian Aid’s programme officer in Jamaica, described the scene as the storm moved in:

“It's very, very loud, the wind is roaring and shrieking. The trees are breaking, you're hearing branches snapping, you're hearing thuds, things falling, you're not sure what it is.”

She added: “There is still no electricity across the island and communication is very difficult. In St Thomas, where one of our partners is based, the cell phone masts fell in a couple of areas, so it is very difficult to get through. The road to the airport in Kingston is blocked with trees, boulders and sand that have been blown across it.”

While other agencies will bring food and water, US-based Christian charity New Directions International has readied equipment for emergency shelter in Jamaica, including plastic tarpaulins and tin sheets for temporary roofing, as well as materials for roof repairs in the wake of the hurricane.

"NDI will focus on providing shelter relief and helping people dig out," according to New Directions’ CEO Joseph Williams, who added that the present hurricane resembled the 2004 Boxing Day Tsunami and Hurricane Katrina to which New Directions also provided emergency shelter and supply within a few days.

The charity plans to remain in the hurricane-hit regions for the long haul. During the rebuilding phase, it will hand out backpacks full of school supplies among children as part of its Edu-Pack programme, and contribute towards the reconstruction of churches and schools.

The Salvation Army in Texas, meanwhile, has scrambled nine canteens and a mobile command centre to San Antonio in the case Hurricane Dean should take a turn towards the Lone Star State.

The canteens are stocked to feed a hundred first responders while the command centre will allow Salvation Army officers to coordinate their efforts to meet the urgent needs of hurricane victims.

Traductions terminées
Turc Hristiyanlar kasırgaya hazır
Langue de départ
Anglais Family members of the Korean hostages are...
Family members of the Korean hostages are suffering along with the victims in Afghanistan, with reports of parents passing out and being hospitalised from the emotional strain.

One hostage’s family member, who asked to remain anonymous, said, “I try to sleep so that I don’t pass out, but I just can’t sleep. I’m bearing so much, just thinking about my kidnapped child,” according to Chosun Ilbo - South Korea’s largest newspaper.

Family members have dark circles under their eyes and carry weary faces as they take turns with vigils each night. Stress is especially high each time a deadline approaches.

“They are suffering from severe indigestion and heart pains due to the continued mental trauma,” said Dr. Cha Byeong-ho, who is looking after the health of the families at the hostages’ home church in Bundang, just south of the South Korean capital Seoul, according to Chosun Ilbo.

If the families decide to make the trip, they want to make the visit before the two-day summit meeting between Afghan president Hamid Karzai and President Bush starting on Sunday.

The two leaders will discuss strategies on how to stabilise the war-torn country as Afghanistan faces the worst level of violence over the past 18 months since the overthrow of the Taliban regime in 2001. Solutions to the hostage crisis are also expected to be discussed.

“We plead with the U.S. government for help: the kidnapped went there to share love, but they are having days like hell. We believe the Bush administration will act for humanitarianism,” read the letter submitted by the families to the U.S. Embassy in Seoul on Wednesday, according to The Korea Times.

A South Korean delegation arrived Thursday in Washington to appeal for U.S. help in the hostage crisis. South Korea expressed hope Friday that advancements will be made during this weekend’s summit to win the release of the hostages, according to Reuters.

South Korea said it has conveyed to the Taliban that it is virtually powerless in granting the rebels’ demand to free prisoners held by the Afghan government and U.S. forces.

“Through our contacts, our foremost goal is to make it clear that there is a limit as to what our government can do to meet their demands of releasing the prisoners," presidential spokesman Chun Ho-sun told reporters Friday, according to Reuters.
this article is for newspaper

Traductions terminées
Turc Koreli rehinelerin
166Langue de départ166
Anglais Only God Can Judge Me
Only God Can Judge Me

Traductions terminées
Arabe الله فقط يمكنه محاكمتي
Italien Solo Dio può giudicarmi
Français Dieu seul peut me juger
Espagnol Solamente Dios puede juzgarme
Portugais Só Deus me pode julgar
Turc Beni sadece Allah yargılayabilir
Portuguais brésilien Somente Deus pode me julgar.
Anglais Only God can judge me
Latin Deus solus me judicare potest
Anglais Only god can judge me
Italien Solamente Dio può giudicarmi
Arabe الله فقط يمكنه محاسبتي
Grec Μόνο ο Θεός μπορεί να με κρίνει
Latin Deus solus iudicare me potest
Chinois simplifié 只有上帝可以审判我
Japonais 神のみが私を裁くことができるのだ
Arabe الله وحده يستطيع محاسبتي أو محاكمتي
Chinois traditionnel 只有上帝可...
Français Dieu seul peut me juger
Portuguais brésilien Somente Deus pode...
Russe Бог
Polonais Tylko Bóg może mnie osądzić...
Hébreu רק אלוהים יכול לשפוט אותי
Latin Deus Solus Potest Me Iudicare
Ukrainien Лише Бог може судити мене.
Esperanto Nur Dio povas juĝi min
Coréen 오직 하나님만이 나를 심판하실 수 있다
Danois Kun Gud kan dømme mig
Serbe Samo Bog može da mi sudi
Suédois Endast Gud kan döma mig
Néerlandais Alleen God kan over mij oordelen
Bulgare Само Бог може да ме съди
Croate Samo Bog mi može suditi
Allemand Nur Gott kann über mich urteilen.
Bosnien Samo Bog može da mi sudi.
Lituanien Tiktai Dievas gali mane teisti
Hongrois Csak Isten ítélhet meg engem.
Albanais Vetëm Zoti mund të më gjykojë
Chinois traditionnel 只有上帝能審判我。
Indonésien Hanya Tuhan dapat mengadili saya
Tchèque Jenom Bůh mnÄ› může posoudit
Hindi केवल भगवान ही मेरा विचार कर सकते हैं.
Mongol Бурхан шvvх эрхтэй
Islandais Aðeins Guð getur dæma mig.
Féringien Bert Gud kann døma meg.
Catalan Només Déu em pot jutjar.
Grec ancien Mόνος ὁ Θεός δύναται με διακρίνειν.
Farsi-Persan تنها خدا می‌تواند در باره‌ی من داوری کند.
Vietnamien Chỉ có Chúa mới có thể phán xét tôi
Langue de départ
Anglais Translators-interested-translated
Translators who are only interested in your project, may search the project area for the texts to be translated.

Traductions terminées
Arabe مترجمون-مهتمون-مترجم
Bulgare преводачи-заинтересувани-преведени
Allemand Übersetzer-interessiert-übersetzend
Turc Çevirmenler-ilgilenen-çevrilecek
Albanais Përkthyesit-interesuar
Italien Traduttori-interessati-tradotti
Français Traducteurs-intéressés-traductions
Néerlandais Vertalers-geïnteresseerd-vertaald
Portugais tradutor-interessado-traduzido
Espagnol Traductores-interesados-traducciones
Roumain Traducatori-interesaţi-de tradus
Danois Oversættere-interesserede-oversatte
Suédois Översättare-intresserade-översatta
Hébreu מתרגמים-מעוניינים-תרגום
Japonais Translators-interested-translated
Serbe Prevodioci - zainteresovani - prevod
Hongrois Azok a fordítók, akiket érdekel, kereshetnek a projektek lefordítandó szövegei között.
Russe Переводчики-заинтересованные-перевод
Finnois Kääntäjät-kiinnostuneita-käännettäviä
Lituanien Vertėjai - įdomu - išversta
Catalan Traductors-interessats-traduir
Chinois simplifié 译员-有意向-需要翻译
Chinois traditionnel 有興趣的翻譯者
Polonais Tłumacze-zainteresowani-tłumaczenie
Esperanto Tradukistoj-interesitaj-tradukita
Grec Μεταφραστές-ενδιαφέρον-μεταφράσεις
Croate Prevoditelji-zainteresirani-prevedeno
Anglais Translators-interested-translated
Norvégien Oversetterer-intresserede-oversatt
Portuguais brésilien tradutores-interessado-traduzido
Coréen 번역가들-관심이 있는-번역할
Tchèque PÅ™ekladatelé-zajímá-pÅ™eložit
Farsi-Persan مترجمان-مورد علاقه-ترجمه شده
Slovaque Prekladatelia - zainteresovaný - preklad
Afrikaans Vertalers-geïnteresseerd-vertaal
Thaï ผู้แปลที่สนใจการแปล
Langue de départ
Anglais Discussion-translation-members.
When you are not sure, we advise you to start a discussion about the translation to require the help of other members.

Traductions terminées
Turc Tartışma-çeviri-üyeler.
Néerlandais Discussie-vertaling-leden
Allemand diskussion-übersetzung-mitglieder
Esperanto diskutado-traduko-membroj
Français Décision-conseillons-traduction
Japonais Discussion-translation-members.
Catalan Discussió-traducció-membres
Espagnol Discusión-traducción-miembros
Slovène Pogovor-prevod-člani
Chinois simplifié 讨论-翻译-会员
Arabe مناقشة-ترجمة-أعضاء
Italien Scelta-consigliamo-traduzione
Bulgare Дискусия-превод-членове
Roumain Discuţie-traducere-membri
Russe Дискуссия-перевод-члены
Portugais Discuta-tendo-duvida
Hébreu When you are not sure
Albanais when you are
Polonais Niepewny-dyskusja
Suédois Osäker
Danois Diskussion-oversættelse-medlemmer
Hongrois Fordítás megvitatása a tagokkal
Finnois Keskustelu-käännös-jäsenet
Serbe Diskusija-prevodi-clanovi
Chinois traditionnel 當你不確定時
Grec Συζήτηση-μετάφραση-μέλη
Hindi वार्तालाप–अनुवाद–सदस्यों
Croate Diskusija-prevodi-clanovi
Anglais Discussion-translation-request
Norvégien Discussion-translation-members
Coréen 토론-번역-요청하기
Tchèque Diskuzi-pÅ™ekladu-vyžádali
Farsi-Persan گفتگو-ترجمه-درخواست
Slovaque Diskusia - preklad - žiadosť
Irlandais Comhrá idir na haistritheoirí
Mongol Орчуулгандаа эргэлзвэл
Afrikaans Diskussie-vertaling-lede
Vietnamien Thảo luận-dịch thuật-yêu cầu
Projet - Turkish Christian News Paper Langue de départ
Anglais Taliban Vows No More Korean Hostage Killings for Now
The Taliban said Friday that it will not kill any of the remaining 21 South Korean hostages before its face-to-face meetings with the delegation from the East Asian country.

Nearly a dozen deadlines and numerous threats thereafter to kill the Christian captives have been made since their abduction on July 19.

With a deadlock in negotiations over the Taliban’s proposed prisoner-rebel exchange, the militant group has been working with South Korea on setting up a face-to-face meeting to discuss other options. Yet despite their agreement to meet, a location has not yet been set where both parties feel safe.

Traductions terminées
Turc Taliban şimdilik daha fazla Koreli rehine öldürmeyeceğine yemin etti
Langue de départ
Anglais Translated-right-language
Check that you've translated in the right language ( %l ).
%l stands for the name of a language, keep it unchanged in the trnaslation.

Traductions terminées
Italien Tradotto - lingua - giusta
Arabe مترجمة-صحيحة-لغة
Portugais Tradução - correta - linguagem
Portuguais brésilien Tradução - correta - linguagem
Néerlandais Vertaald - juiste - taal
Espagnol Traducción-idioma-adecuado
Grec Μεταφράσατε-σωστή-γλώσσα
Chinois simplifié 翻译-正确-语言
Russe Перевод на запрошенный язык
Bulgare Преведен правилен език
Allemand Ãœbersetzt-richtige-Sprache
Turc Doğru dilde tercüme
Catalan Traducció-idioma-adequat
Roumain Tradus în limba cerută.
Hébreu תרגום-נכונה-שפה
Japonais 翻訳 正しい 言語
Suédois Kolla sÃ¥ att du har översatt i rätt sprÃ¥k
Serbe Preveden - pravi - jezik
Vietnamien Kiểm tra việc dịch.
Albanais Perkthim - gjuhë - e duhur
Lituanien Patikrink
Chinois traditionnel 已翻譯-正確-語言
Polonais Tłumaczenie-poprawny-język
Danois Oversat-korrekt-sprog
Esperanto Tradukita-ĝusta-lingvo
Finnois Käännetty-oikea-kieli
Croate Provjerite
Hongrois Fordított-helyes-nyelv
Anglais Check-translated-language
Tchèque Ověření-pÅ™ekládaného-jazyka
Norvégien Oversatt-riktig-sprÃ¥k
Estonien Tõlgitud-õige-keel
Coréen 번역-올바른-언어
Féringien Kanna-rætta-mál
Hindi अनुवादित - सही - भाषा
Slovaque Over si, že si preložil do správného jazyka ( %/ ).
Farsi-Persan بررسی-ترجمه شده-زبان
Islandais Þýtt-rétt-mál
Kurde Zimana rastê de werger
Afrikaans vertaal-regte-taal
Thaï ตรวจสอบ-การแปล-ภาษา
Nepalais अनुवादित - सहि - भाषा
Slovène Prevod v ustrezen jezik.
Ourdou ترجمہ شدہ زبان کی جانچ
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